
花幾小時終於翻譯完了!!! 也邊看的超開心
這篇是Skipper跟寶寶Private主場, 我的最愛






角色: (之前做的郵票正好派上用場
 Skipper = 老大(台譯) = 斯基普
 Kowalski = 卡哇伊(台譯) = 科渥斯基
 Rico = 涼快(台譯) = 里可
 Private = 菜鳥(台譯)(事實上Private是二等兵的意思) = 派維特

“來吧,小伙子們?“ 領袖要求,環顧四周。但這次有點不太一樣。Skipper注意到一個小小的,毛茸茸的球在混凝土島的邊緣上。
Morning dawned at Central Park Zoo. Skipper climbed out the hatch and inhaled the fresh scent of a new days breeze.
"Coming, boys?" the leader asked and looked around the flock. But something was different this time. Skipper noticed a small, fluffy ball on the edge of the concrete island.

“這是什麼?,Skipper “ 當其他企鵝盯著他時,Kowalski問。
“在那邊的是甚麼東西? Kowalski,分析!“ Skipper命令,與Kowalski跟Rico聚集在毛茸茸的球旁邊。
“痾,Skipper,似乎我們有同伴了。是個企鵝寶寶” 科學家解釋,用指尖戳戳睡覺中的寶寶。突然寶寶醒了,揉了揉眼睛。
“噢~~~~” Rico充滿深情地說。
"What is it, Skipper?" Kowalski asked as the other penguin stared at it.
"What´s that over there? Kowalski, analysis!" Skipper ordered and he, Kowalski and Rico gathered around the fluffy ball.
"Well, Skipper it seems like we´ve got company. Its a baby penguin" the scientist explained, poking the sleeping baby with the tip of his flipper. Suddenly the penguin awoke and rubbed his eyes
. "Awwww" Rico said affectionately.

“爹爹?“ 寶寶困惑的鳴叫,看著圍繞在他身邊的三個企鵝。
“一個寶寶,沒開玩笑嗎? 我們要一個企鵝寶寶作什麼?  我們是一支菁英部隊,不是保姆”  Skipper雙手在胸前交叉著,排斥的說著。
“但是Skipper,他好可愛! “ Kowaski一邊把小傢伙從地上抱起來一邊說著。他看著對他微笑的小企鵝,開始撫摸著他的頭。
"Dada?" the baby chirped confused and took a look at the three penguins standing around it.
"A baby, seriously? What shall we do with a baby penguin? We´re an elite force, not babysitters" Skipper said rejecting and crossed his flippers over his chest.
"But Skipper, its so cute" Kowaski said and lifted the little guy from the ground. He watched as the little penguin smiled at him and began stroking his head.

“咕嘰咕!“ Rico含糊不清地說著,然後扮了一個滑稽的鬼臉。
突然,他們聽到愛麗絲(動物園管理員)經過企鵝棲息地,與她的同事對話。“喲,愛麗絲。你怎麼處理寶寶企鵝?“ 同事問。
“這個嘛,我帶他到企鵝棲息地,我肯定他們會照顧他。我沒有時間當保姆” 愛麗絲和往常一樣用不耐煩的口氣解說著。
“你從哪裡得到他的?“ 另外一個人問道。
"Gootchi Goo!" Rico babbled and made a funny grimace. The baby laughed softly and looked at Skipper, who was the only one, who had not been drawn into the spell of the babys cuteness. Stern he looked at it.
Suddenly they heard Alice passing the penguin habitat, talking to her colleague. "Yo, Alice. What did you do with the baby penguin? the colleague asked.
"Well I took him to the penguins habitat, I´m sure they´ll care about him. I don´t have time for babysitting" Alice explained in her usual, annoyed voice.
"Where did you get him from?" the other guy asked.

“他在南極洲被發現的,他的父母被海豹給殺了” 愛麗絲說,與另外兩個動物園管理員進了他們的辦公室。
“所以"他"是公的,我認為他應該待在這裡。可憐的小傢夥,他的父母已經去世,沒有人能夠照顧他…直到現在“ Kowalski說,把嬌小又毛茸茸的寶寶擠向他的胸前。
"He´s been found in Antarctica, his parents killed by some seals" Alice said and both zookeepers made their way their office.
The penguin watched them passing and turned to the baby again.
"So it´s a male, she said and I think he´s supposed to stay here. Poor little guy, his parents are dead and he´s got no one who cares about him... until now" Kowalski said, pushing the small, fluffy baby to his chest.

“是阿,悲傷的故事,嗚嗚。我認為我們應該給他一個名字“ Skipper說,並且更接近的看著寶寶。
“嗯,讓我想想“ Kowalski說,手輕敲著他的鳥喙若有所思。
“好吧,他應該留在這裏,對嗎? 所以他是新招募到這個部隊的成員。是個Private(二等兵)” Skipper說,看著他的下屬。
“Private?你確定嗎?“ 科學家問,困惑著看著他的領袖。
“當然。取這個名字還有一個原因是,他是個沒有名字的孩子,沒有父母也沒有過去。他不會告訴我們任何關於他自己的事,所以一切都是Private(私密的)” Skipper說,雙手交叉在胸前,如同表示他不允許其他人有任何異議。
"Yeah, sad story, boo-hoo. Well I think, we should give him a name" Skipper said, taking a closer look at the baby.
"Mhh, let me think" Kowalski said, tipping on the peak of his beak thoughtfully.
"Okay, he´s supposed to stay here, right? So he´s a new recruit to this unit. It´s a Private" Skipper said and looked at his team mates.
"Private? Are you sure?" the scientist asked, looking confused at his leader.
"Of course. And another reason for his name is, he´s a child without a name, without parents and without a past. He won´t tell us anything about himself, so everything remains private" Skipper explained and crossed his flippers over his chest, as he wouldn´t allow any other comment.

“好吧,他的名字是Private。嗯...我想我會習慣的“ Kowalski說。
“Private!“ Rico溫柔地說, 並把寶寶從科學家的手中接過來,抱著他。
“好吧,我們給他取名了,開始我們的訓練吧” Skipper說,然後轉過身。
“痾...那麼我們該怎麼處理他?“ Kowalski問。
“這個嘛,我們應該給他找個保姆” 領導者想了一會兒,做出回應。
"Okay, his name is Private. Well, I think I could get used to that" Kowalski retorted, making it official.
"Private!" Rico cooed and took the little baby from the scientists flippers, hugging him.
"Okay, we named him, let´s start the training" Skipper said and turned around.
"Uhm and what shall we do with him?" Kowalski asked.
"Well, we should get him a babysitter" the leader responded and thought for a moment.

“也許黑猩猩? 他們似乎是唯一,嗯...在這個動物園裏最理智的動物“Kowalski思考並看著Skipper說。
“我想你是對的,好,你帶他到黑猩猩那裡,Rico和我將開始訓練” Skipper命令,Kowalski抱著寶寶,離開了企鵝棲息地。
“哪裡不對勁嗎?“ Rico問Skipper,他已經注意到他的領袖排斥的和無情的行為。
"Maybe the chimps? They seemed to be the only, well, sanely animals in the zoo here" Kowalski explained and watched Skipper thinking.
"Guess you´re right, okay, you bring him to the chimps and Rico and I will start the training" Skipper ordered and Kowalski took the baby and left the island.
"What´s wrong?" Rico asked Skipper, who had already noticed his leaders rejecting and heartless behaviour.

“我很好,Rico。只是……我……沒什麼,這沒什麼,Rico” Skipper突然低下了頭。
“謝謝,Rico” Skipper低聲說,給他的武器專家一個微笑。
"I´m fine, Rico. It´s just... I´m... nothing, it´s nothing, Rico" Skipper burst out and lowered his head.
"Awww, don´t worry, we´ll make it, together" Rico said softly, trying to calm his leader and put a flipper on Skippers shoulder.
Rico felt that Skipper struggled with showing his affection and he felt sympathy for his leader.
"Thanks, Rico" Skipper whispered, giving his weapons expert a little smile.

我認為,我們應該跳過今天的訓練,整理總部,確保周圍環境對嬰兒是安全的,還有給他一個床和其他嬰兒用品” 科學家說
然後剩餘的時間可以用來處理寶寶的事情。我認為今天只要給他一個床就很足夠了” Skipper解釋說,他仍然保持冷淡的態度。
Kowalski returned after ten minutes. "They said, they´ll keep him until dawn, but then we have to take care of him ourselves.
I think, we should skip the training today and make the HQ babyproof and getting him a bed and other baby stuff" the scientist said
but Skipper interrupted him. "No, no we won´t. We´ll follow our schedule as usual.
Then we can take care of the baby part. I think getting him a bed will be enough for today" Skipper explained, still keeping his frosty attitude.

“哦,看一下時間。我認為這個小麻煩想找他的…爹地們” 黑猩猩梅森說,和菲爾走進企鵝棲息地。
So they did their training and it was exhausting as usual. Even Skipper was panting when they were finished.
But soon they realized, that they had trained longer than they intended to. Actually, they trained the whole day and the sun was going down already.
"Oh, look at the time. I think this little badger wants to get to his... daddys" Mason the chimp said, entering the penguin habitat along with Phil.
Skipper felt a sting in his heart, when he heard the word ´daddy´.

“你們照料的如何?“ Kowalski問,並從黑猩猩那邊接手寶寶。
“哦,這是一個…災難。他哭了一整天,無論我們怎麼做。我認為他想要你們在他身邊,看來他好像非常想念你們” 梅森解釋說,稍微有點高興能再度擺脫寶寶。
“噢,你想念我們?“ Kowalski問著依然淚眼汪汪的寶寶。
“現在我們該怎麼辦? 我們甚至還沒有準備好床給他,而且現在已經很晚了。我們還能到哪裡買嬰兒床? “ Skipper問,並看著困惑的科學家。
"How was your babysitting?" Kowalski asked, taking the baby.
"Oh it was a... disaster. He cried the whole day, no matter what we did. I think he wants you guys around him, it seemed he really missed you" Mason explained, slightly happy about getting rid of the baby again.
"Awww, you missed us?" Kowalski asked the baby, who still had watery eyes.
"What shall we do now? We even haven´t got a bed for him and it´s already late. Where should we purchase a bed from now?" Skipper asked and looked at the puzzled scientist.


“這個嘛,我想我們沒有選擇,只能用總部現有的一些東西來蓋個嬰兒床。我相信我們會找到什麼能夠讓他睡在上面的東西“ Kowalski說。
“Skipper,至少給他一個枕頭吧。小寶寶需要溫暖和親密感,從貼近人的身體來取得“ Kowalski解釋。
“我不會抱他的!Kowalski。我是一個訓練有素的軍人,不是個爹地!” Skipper大聲咆哮著,導致Private開始大哭。
"Well, I think we have no choice than to build a bed from some stuff in the HQ. I´m sure we´ll find something, he can sleep on" Kowalski said.
Unfortunately they had nothing than a small cage, but Skipper thought it will work for this one night. Kowalski and Rico doubted his plans, but they had no other choice.
"Skipper, give him a pillow at least. A baby needs warmth and nearness, from someone its close to" Kowalski explained.
"I won´t cuddle with him, Kowalski. I´m a trained soldier, not a daddy" Skipper barked loudly, causing Private starting to cry.

Rico和Kowalski看著他們略帶憤怒的表情的領袖。“你是哪裡有問題阿,Skipper。為什麼你能這麼冷酷無情?“ Kowalski咆哮著,並抱起寶寶安撫著他。
“我沒有問題, 我只是根本沒有空閒去撫養小孩! 我從來就不希望擁有小孩! 我不準備成為一個父親! “ Skipper喊道,轉過身去。
Rico and Kowalski looked at their leader with a slight angry expression. "What´s your problem, Skipper. Why are you so cold-hearted?" Kowalski growled, hugging the baby to calm him.
"I don´t have a problem, I just don´t have time for raising a child! I never wanted to have children! I´m not ready to be a dad!" Skipper yelled and turned away.
Kowalski and the weapons expert had never expected such a reaction from their leader. They knew, that caring for a child would change their lives forever, but the scientist and the mad penguin were taking it positive.

“ 睡覺的時間到了,士兵們 ” Skipper說,打了呵欠,揉揉眼睛。企鵝們躺在他們各自的床鋪上,很快的,Skipper聽到Rico和Kowalski的大聲打鼾。但領導者入睡困難。
When Skipper calmed down, no one dared talking about this issue again. Kowalski just rocked the baby to sleep and laid him into his makeshift bed, locking the door of the cage so he couldn´t get out.
"It´s time to hit the bunks, men" Skipper said, yawning and rubbing his eyes. The penguins laid down in their bunks and soon, Skipper heard Ricos and Kowalskis loud snoring. But the leader had trouble falling asleep.
Too many thoughts and worries were circling around in his mind, which were mostly centered about the baby.

After hours of pondering, he finally fell asleep, but the sleeping penguins didn´t notice, that Private was awake again. He yawned and got up, wrapping his tiny flippers around the iron bars of the door of his cage. He slightly jogged on them and the door opened with a quietly squeak, because Kowalski accidently had missed to lock it properly. Private stumbled out of the cage and fell to the ground.

He looked around and saw the other penguins sleeping in their bunks. Quickly he ran towards them with his tiny feet.
He stopped at the lower bunk, where Skipper was sleeping. The baby already felt, that Skipper didn´t like him, but his instinct made him wanting to sleep in his parents bed.
Actually he liked Skipper, he felt safe and sound when he was near, although the leader had never even held him in his flippers.

"Dada?" Private cooed, trying to sound as loud as he could. Nothing happened and Skipper was still sleeping deeply.
The baby repeated his attempt of waking the leader, but the penguin just turned on his back with a loud snorer and his flipper hung over the edge of his bed.
Private saw his chance and got on the tips of his toes, trying to reach Skippers flipper. He stretched himself and finally reached it with his own fluffy wing, pulling on the olders flipper.

但是Skipper馬上就感覺到了,並從他的睡眠中驚醒。“是誰在那裡!?“ 領導者喘息著,茫然的。Private受到驚嚇,他被Skipper的手偶然地甩了出去,他被送往地板,背部撞擊地面。
Skipper聽到砰的一聲,轉過身。一個小小的啜泣聲填滿了整間房間,領導者走出他的床。“發生了什麼事,你在你的床外作什麼? 你應該是要在睡覺的” Skipper低聲說,儘量不去吵醒他的下屬。
But Skipper felt it immediatly and jolted from his sleep. "Who´s there?" the leader panted, dazed. Private startled, he had been accidently pulled up along with Skipper's flipper and through this action he was sent across the floor, hitting the ground with his back.
Skipper heard a thud and turned around. A quiet sobbing filled the room and the leader got out of his bed. "What happened, what are you doing outside your bed? You should be asleep" Skipper whispered, trying not to wake his team mates.

他看著哭泣中的小寶寶,從地上把他抱起來。“我來帶你回你的床上” 領導者說,
“不不要” Private啜泣著,把自己貼近Skipper。
“你不能整夜不睡覺“ 領袖輕聲地說,試圖讓寶寶放開他的胸羽,在他拔掉一些以前。
He watched the little baby crying and lifted him up from the ground. "Let´s get you to bed again" the leader said,
but Private didn´t want to go to his cold cage again. When Skipper tried to lay him down, the baby grasped his chest feathers and held on tightly.
"Nono" Private sobbed and pushed himself closer to Skipper.
"You can´t stay up all night" the leader said softly, trying to make the baby let go of his chest feathers, before he even pulled some out.

但寶寶帶著悲傷的神情,好像想問 “你為什麼討厭我?“  Skipper感到刺痛在他的心,決定將他的疑惑和恐懼推到一旁去,試著對寶寶展現他的真實情感。
But the baby was like a tick and didn´t release Skippers feathers. The leader sighed and returned to his bed along with Private.
Only when Skipper laid down, the baby let go of him and the leader placed him on his belly.
Skipper looked into the baby´s light blue eyes and began smiling unwittingly.
But the baby looked back with a sad expression on his face, as if he would like to ask "Why are you hating me?" Skipper felt a sting in his heart and decided to push his doubts and fears aside, trying to show his real emotions for the baby.

“好吧, 你贏了…我並不討厭你,我只是…緊張。我不知道如何撫養一個孩子,事實上我有點害怕。但我盡力的不要毀滅它,我保證“ Skipper向寶寶解釋,希望他會理解。
"Okay, you won...I don´t hate you, I´m just... nervous. I don´t know how to raise a child, actually I´m a little afraid of. But I´m trying my best not to ruin it, I promise" Skipper explained to the baby, hoping that he would understand.
Slowly he raised his flipper and stroked the little penguins back affectionately. Private smiled back and and got on his feet. Skipper felt the cold, tiny feet walking over his body, closer and closer to his face.

“嘿! 你要做什……“ 領袖問道,困惑,但他沈默了,一對微小、毛茸茸的小手抱住他的脖子。Private把他的頭靠在Skipper的臉頰上,輕輕地蹭著。
"Hey, what are you..." the leader asked, confused, but he was silenced by a pair of tiny, fluffy flippers wrapping around his neck. Private pressed his head on Skippers cheek and nuzzled it tenderly.
Skippers smile grew wider and wider, feeling a pleasant sensation taking over his heart. Now all of his fears and doubts were vanished and he started to feel paternal love for this baby. Skipper knew he had to get used to be a dad, but he also knew that he really wanted to be it now.

“好吧,我認為睡覺的時間到了” Skipper低聲細語,再一次將頭寄託於枕頭上。Private慢慢爬到領導者的胸膛上,蜷曲著身子,在Skipper的心臟上方。
Cautiously he took the baby and hugged him tightly, while Private was giving him the biggest and cutest smile he had ever seen. They cuddled for a while until Private began yawning.
"Okay, I think it's time to go to bed now" Skipper whispered and rested his head on his pillow again. Private slowly crawled up to the leader's chest and curled himself up, right above Skippers heart.
The leader let out a pleasant sigh and stroked the babys back, while Private was snuggling himself on Skippers chest.

“晚安,寶寶Private“ 領袖低聲的說,低下頭去,溫柔的吻了小企鵝的頭。Private發出呼嚕呼嚕的聲音然後閉上眼睛,聽著Skipper的心跳入睡。
"Good night, Baby Private" the leader whispered, bend his head and placed a soft kiss on the small penguins head. Private let out a purring sound and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep while listening to Skippers heartbeat. The leader grabbed the corner of his blanket nd covered Private and himself with it.
Soon both fell asleep, happy about being like father and son now. Private slept so soundly on his bed of soft, warm feathers and didn´t wake up this night anymore.

“看” 他小聲說道,兩人把臉轉向Skipper的床鋪。他們不敢相信他們這瞬間所看到的,但Kowalski和Rico釋出了小小聲的”噢~~~~“。
“看來Skipper現在已經準備好要當個爸爸了“ Kowalski低聲對武器專家說道,但Rico,有稍稍不同的想法。
On the next morning, Kowalski and Rico got up later than usual, both were confused, because Skipper hadn´t woke them up already. Quietly they got out of their beds and Kowalski yawned loudly. Suddenly he felt Rico nudging his side. "Look" he whispered and both turned their faces to Skippers bunk. They couldn´t believe what they were seeing for a moment but Kowalski and Rico released a quiet "awwwww".
"Seems like Skipper´s ready to be a dad now" Kowalski whispered to the weapons expert, but Rico had a slightly different idea.

很快他搖搖擺擺地走到Kowalski的實驗室,拿了個相機。“我們將永遠記住這一刻´” Rico咕噥說著,拍了張熟睡的企鵝的照片。
“看來你現在喜歡他了“ Kowalski說,Skipper點點頭。“我知道我們有一個艱難的開始,但現在我準備好要當他的爸爸,Kowalski。我從未想過我會這麼說,但我喜歡這個小傢伙,彷彿他是我親生的孩子一樣” Skipper解釋,邊撫摸著Private的背,帶著笑容。
Quickly he waddled into Kowalskis lab and fetched a camera. "We´ll always remember that moment" Rico grunted and took a photo of the sleeping penguins.
Half an hour later, Skipper and Private woke up too, both yawned and smiled at each other.
"Looks like you like him now" Kowalski said and Skipper nodded. "I know we had a tough start but now I´m ready to be his dad, Kowalski. I never thought I would say that, but I love that little guy, as if he would be my very own child" Skipper explained and stroked Privates back, who smiled at the action.
From this night on, Private was part of the unit and Skipper cared for him like a father for his son... from then ´til now.




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